Ukiyo-e Style Snow Leopard Pin Buttons / Gift for Animal Lover / Big Cat / Pin for Denim Jacket Backpack Bag
This special snow leopard pin shows a fancy snow leopard in an old-style Japanese painting. Put it on your clothes or bag to make them look fancy too. When you buy this pin, you're not just getting art, you're also helping save real snow leopards for the future. It's like connecting the past and now to protect these amazing creatures!
These Custom Pin Buttons are made from metal, yet are lightweight and durable with a strong safety pin. This pin comes in 2 sizes: 1.25 inches diameter, and 2.25 inches diameter.
-2 sizes
-Safety pin backing
-Assembled in the USA from globally sourced parts
Tags: pin button,pin,snow leopard,gift,party favor,stocking stuffer,big cat,cat art,backpack pin,jacket pin,japanese art,cat,ukiyo-e art